PASUNDAN EKSPRES – The meaning of daisy flowers (margarita) is one of the beautiful and adorable flowers with pretty colourful petals.
This flower originated in Tiongkok and is also known as a aster flower. The flower has small, soft petals that encircle a bright yellow colour in the centre.
This flower comes from the old English phrase, Daes eage, which means “eye of the day”. The name defines how the daisy closes the petals at night and re-opens in the morning.
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Well, after knowing about the daisy flower, now you also have to know the meaning of this daisy flower. Let’s see the review in this below.
The Meaning of Daisy Flowers
Here are some meanings of daisy flowers that you can know below.
1. Symbol of Pure Love
In many cultures, the meaning of daisy flowers is considered a symbol of pure and faithful love. The pure white petals represents innocence and loyalty, while the bright yellow centre represents joy and happiness.
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Many people give daisy flowers to express their deep feelings of love and eternal loyalty for their loved ones.
2. Purity and Cleanliness
The meaning of daisy flowers also represents the purity and cleanliness. In some cultures, this flower is related to purity and elegance.
The daisy is often used in wedding ceremonies, not only because of its beauty, but also because it represents purity and cleanliness in the marriage bond.
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3. Symbol of Happiness and Warmth
Daisy flowers can represent happiness and warmth. Especially daisies with bright colours like white, pink, and yellow, will definitely make you smile happily when you see them.
If you want to bring joy into your daily life, you can planting daisy flowers in your garden. For sure your days will be filled with joy when you see them.